As a result of your generosity, we achieved our #GetOnTheBusfundraiser target on July 25th. You would be happy to know that the process of purchasing the school bus (Tata Starbus) has started. More importantly, children from Bhelu and nearby villages are being admitted to SREC for this academic year. Together, we have ensured that these children are on their way to a brighter future.
ATTN INDIAN DONORS: Request you to swiftly share your PAN card and address details here http://m-lp.co/35ACreceipts so that we can process your 35AC tax certificates as soon as possible. _____________________________________________________________________________
Their uniforms are ready, the books are ready, the kids are ready. All they now need is a school bus. Together we can help them #GetOnTheBus. But Before July 25th.
Bhelu and such other villages are just 10 kms away from SREC English Medium School. However, Anu, Vinu, Tanu and other children of these villages are deprived of education due to the absence of a school bus.
Despite the parent’s ambition of sending their children to an English medium school, the distance of 10 kilometres is a big deterrent as it is physically taxing for the little souls. The parents hence have no choice, but to compromise on their education and future.
By government regulations, the last date of admitting these children is 1st August, 2016. Hence it is of utmost importance that we raise the money i.e 18.5 Lacs INR by 25th July, 2016. 1 bus will enable children of 10 villages (around 120 children) to get an education in an English medium school that will not only secure their future, but also that of their family and their villages.
How we can help them #GetOnTheBus:
Time is of the essence. We need to ensure that the money is raised by 25th July. You can contribute in all of the following ways:
Make a contribution towards the campaign to help us get a school bus.
Start your own support campaign on Milaap to amplify the fundraiser
Share this video and message with #GetOnTheBus on your social media profiles
1SmallStep Foundation will match your donation amount to ensure that these children are on their way to a great future.
Note: INR donations will receive 100% tax exemption under section 35 A C. All Donors will receive the tax exemption receipts upon completion of the campaign.
Now let’s make these children #GetOnTheBus before July 25!

About SREC
SREC began with teaching sessions for a handful children in a temporary shed under a tree. The success of the school's holistic education spread and more and more Adivasi and poor families sought an English medium Education for the future of their children. Today the school has 700 students from 55 villages of the Raigad district.
SREC takes care of all educational expenses of students including uniforms, books, educational kits, meals as well as transportation.
About 1SmallStep
Inspired by Professor Mohammed Yunus of Grameen Bank and Nipun Mehta of ServiceSpace, 1SmallStep Foundation is a social business incubator that invests in and mentors cause-driven entrepreneurs and businesses that solve social problems mainly focusing on child education and employment.
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