No matter where we go in Chennai,we always have the Multiplex and theater asking for money when we park the vehicles in their premises.
All the malls get benefit of not having to pay property tax on the floors left for parking as they are for the benefit of the visitors. However cashing in on the ignorance of the citizens, the managements charge on an hourly basis costing 50-100/- INR for each hour.
As per the GO issued by Tamilnadu Government dated 30-11-2017, parking fees for all cinema theaters including multiplexes for car/ three wheeler , two wheeler and cycle in municipal corporations/ municipalities special grade should be 20/- INR 10/- INR and Nill respectively.
In municipalities other than Municipalities special grade it should be 15/- INR 7/- INR and Nill respectively. In town Panchayats /village panchayats it should be 5/- INR 3/- INR and Nill for 4/3 wheeler, 2 wheeler and cycle respectively.
This nuisance has to stop. FORUM AGAINST CORRUPTION (FAC) will file a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the High Court of Tamilnadu to address this issue and we would need your help in taking this fight forward. We will also be soon filing criminal charges against the multiplexes and malls who are charging more than permissible amounts from the citizens and cashing in on their ignorance. Satyam Cinemas, Phoenix Mall, Rohini Theatre, Kasi Theatre and many more such places; we will bring the culprits to book.
Help Requested:
Forum Against Corruption needs your help in taking this fight forward and to address the legal expenses request you to donate whatever you can. While on an average we received 500/- INR from our donors; you are more than welcome to donate as much as you are able to.
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Our Founder/President: Vijay Gopal @Vijaygopal_ on FB: Vijay Gopal