I am collecting funds to give my grade 2 kids excellent education. Come join us!!! I teach in a low income municipal school as a Teach for India (TFI) fellow. I have 54 kids studying in standard 2. Every day I reach school, I have them waiting there for me with these big smiles on their faces. It’s almost been 5 months now and in these 5 months, those kids and I have come a long way. They have learnt to say “thanks” every time someone gives them an eraser or a pencil (It’s a big thing when you are dealing with 7 year olds). Now, they are not afraid of writing three exam papers a day and they do it exceptionally well. I could not be happier or more satisfied when a kid in my class scores almost full marks in all the exams she gives now. They are progressing each day. When I sit back and reflect, I realize that I could do much more for my class to grow not only in academics but also in “Values and Mindsets” and “Access and Exposure” (these are the big fancy words we use in TFI). When a friend of mine donated a football, or a Facebook friend whom I have never seen donated a set of books, or my roommate who has donated a small library, or one of my long-time friends who has donated a box of pencils and erasers, I know that there are a lot more people out there who are willing to help in some way possible. Each thing that has entered my class has helped us beyond measure. I see the results often. So, (here it comes :D) a small humble request to all the awesome people out there to be a bit more awesome and generous and help me and my class in any way that you can. When the statistics say that only 6% of primary kids will get into college, let’s do something to change the scenario. You could also donate any other things like books, pencils, erasers, a fan, or literally anything that you feel could be of use in our classroom. I will keep you updated with the utilization of your resources. Inbox me if you need any details. Share or tag your friends who you feel might want to be a part of this honourable cause. As said, “we all are in this together” is a far better philosophy than “you are on your own.” Finally, please drop by anytime to meet my totally amazing and lovely kids. The funds will be used for: 1. Setting up a extensive library. 2. Classroom infrastructure. 3. To make a print rich classroom. 4. Field trips. 5. Resources for sports and extra- curricular activities. 6. Diaries and other stationaries.