My mother, Deepa Dutta, had been diagnosed with bilateral Breast Cancer in October, 2015. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy treatment in Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata. She has received 4 cycles of chemotherapy as of today, and has 4 more scheduled over the months to come, post which a surgery will be done for complete mastectomy.
The type of her Breast Cancer has been tested HER2 positive. This type of Cancer is very aggressive and spreads rapidly. This decreases her survival chance by up to 70%.
The only treatment available to treat this condition is a 14 cycle treatment of a drug named Herceptine manufactured by Roche. During this entire treatment 16 vials of the medication will be required. Since each vial costs Rs.74,000, we are not able to afford the treatment for her, which costs approximately 12 lacs in addition to the hospitalization costs.
Please help Deepa by funding the costs of Herceptine medicine for her treatment which starts on 9th February, 2016.
We are already dipping into whatever meagre savings we have to cover the rest of the costs of her chemotherapy, hospitalization, surgery and medications. It will be of great help if you could help fund the cost of the drug Herceptine for her treatment.
Attached are doctor's precriptions for your reference -

Attached below are her diagnostic reports -
1) X-Ray Mammography -