I am fundraising to | Milaap
I am fundraising to
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Bhawana Singh
Varanasi is cultural and spiritual city of India. I am sure you have seen children's on Ghats, streets selling Pa-an, tea, candles, flowers, etc for their livelihood. When we asked parent's for education of their kid, we get a straight answer, ' who is going to pay their expenses, at-least they are earning some money and we don't have much money to afford their expenses'.
So, I along with my friend decided to educate them so that they can read, write. If they want to study further, we bear their expenses. There are free schools too but they don't send their kids to them.
Children's are future of India, we want to see India's growth, then we have to start with root not with branches. That's what we planned to do. We shape roots so that they shape a developed tree or developed India.
It will be awkward to read this but the way we planned to use money. We came to know that kids also support their parent's. So, we planned to pay the earning of their child but only 50%. We calculate a children earns on an avg. Rs. 100 per day, so we decided to pay Rs. 50 per day to their kids, so that they can send them for education. We bear their books expenses. That's the only way we can think after going through all situations.
Amount we are raising will not be enough for long run but that will be enough for kick start. And I appreciate to donor for their kindness.

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