Help Arena Grand Master Sa Kannan create a 24/7 Chess Gym | Milaap
Help Arena Grand Master Sa Kannan create a 24/7 Chess Gym
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Need Rs.2,00,000
  • KS

    Created by

    Kannan Sa
  • K

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

Hi, I am Sa.Kannan. A FIDE Rated Chess player with a peak rating of 2111. I hold the title of AGM(Arena Grand Master).

Chess is my passion and I am playing it for nearly 2 decades. I like to pass on this knowledge I have gathered and for that I wish to embark upon a new venture.
A Chess Gym.

Instead of a regular chess academy, I want to start a chess gym, which would be open 24x7, with ample space, chess board and coins, chess resources etc., for the players to train and learn for as long as they would like, as per their memberships.

I seek your help to start the first of this innovative venture. The funds will be used to buy the necessary chess resources to construct the Chess Gym, like board and coins, furnitures, chess clocks, chess books and magazines, laptop and computer with chess softwares etc.,

Every sport needs a drastic, innovative idea to propel a nation to World stardom. Yes, chess is well respected and highly competed in India already, but still lot of interested and talented people don't find the necessary resources to shine brightly owing to their financial background or other reasons. With this venture, India will definitely rise as a Superpower in Chess.

But it won't stop there. Chess improves a lot of key areas of the brain, hence the benefits will be seen in multiple fields because of an initiative like this.

I would like to start the first Chess Gym in March 2017, and I hope you will help me in that dream.

Thank you.

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