I am fundraising to help get food to the flood affected in | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
I am fundraising to help get food to the flood affected in chennai
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    Created by

    prabhu pandian

Tamil Nadu is seeing some of the worst rainfall and subsequent floods in over a 100 years. The amount of damage caused was unprecedented. Roads have caved in, and traffic has come to a halt. There is incessant waterlogging, which is hampering relief operations. Over 200 people have died, and several thousands are stranded. Rivers have overflown, and spilled on to the roads, which have been reduced to stretches of potholes. There is no food, or electricity. Chennai has come to a standstill. And it needs all the help it can get.

We are trying to get quality food and other essentials to those stranded in Chennai because of floods.
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Photo courtesy- Dna

Here's what I plan to do with the funds:

> Coordinating with kolapasi, for food delivery.

Kolapasi is a chain of food retail outlets based in Chennai. They have been distributing food boxes to people stranded in Chennai. Rs 90,000 will be used to distribute 6000 food packets to people affected by the floods.

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Photo courtesy- Kolapasi

>Funding essential medicines through my friends in chennai.

Being a doctor, I realise the importance of having essential medical care available for people affected. I am reaching out to my colleagues and friends to procure medicines needed at this time.

> Supporting other organisations in Chennai who are in the middle of relief efforts.

A number of credible NGOs/organisations in chennai who are doing amazing work on the ground, helping people in distress. We are trying to support their efforts.

We have reached the target and the funds that are coming in now will be used to support credible organisations in their relief efforts.

We'll keep you updated about how the funds are utilized. All the organizations that we're trying to partner with this initiative are found to be credible with a lage network of supporters. This way we can track the impact of your contributions and can also keep you posted on the same.

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