Banyan Community School is a school for underprivileged children of migrant labour communities, rural poor and orphanages near Angalpura, Rural Bangalore. Low wages of parents (a monthly average of 1000 per family) incidence of child labour, bonded labour, alcoholism, labour oriented migration, poor accessibility to health and educational institutions, absence proper housing, clean water, other basic facilities etc are the characteristic features of the community to which these children belong. Many children of quarry workers are born at and grow up around quarrying sites. They get used to helping their parents with quarrying activities and they are the most vulnerable to child labour, bonded labour and trafficking. These children deserve to have an education and a chance at a better future. Lovedale's Banyan community School is providing free education, midday meal, nutritional supplements and monthly health care to 350 children from underprivileged communities and orphanages helping Deserving, diligent students and minimising the chances to dropout. Help and support us for this noble cause The money mobilised via Milaap campaign will be utilised for providing nutritional drink and snacks for 350 children for 10 months