10 days after Hamza was born, the atmosphere of joy suddenly changed when he turned blue. The parents who were celebrating the beginning of his life, began to worry that it would end when he was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect. Hamza was born without a pulmonary heart valve, and needed a surgery to survive.
"Everything seemed normal, but when you understand how this can affect your child from within, there is no need to think. If he continued to live like that, we would have lost him. The doctors were kind enough to rush him into surgery without us having the funds."
Hamza was diagnosed with a missing valve in his heart
Mohammed Jafar and Fauzia are from a small village in Madhya Pradesh. They have a 6-year-old daughter, Shaizan, and were overjoyed to welcome the new member of their family.
"We were so happy for 10 days. When we took him for check up, the doctor said we need to do a scan because the baby looked blue. Somehow in all that joy, I never noticed. The tests showed that my son was missing a heart valve."
Hamza's life would have been in danger if the problem persisted
Jafar rushed Hamza to a private hospital in Nagpur where the doctors turned him away. He was referred to the south, and ended up at Hyderabad. He heard the implications of the defect. Without the valve, Hamza's tiny body would not get proper oxygen, and his heart would not beat to its capacity. He would not be normal, and may even lose his life."Everything seemed normal, but when you understand how this can affect your child from within, there is no need to think. If he continued to live like that, we would have lost him. The doctors were kind enough to rush him into surgery without us having the funds."

A life saved, but the bills are still keeping them in the hospital
Jafar earns just Rs.5000 a month and is struggling to pay for the surgery that has cost them Rs. 3,00,900. They do not have any friends or family in town to help them and require your support to take their son home.
Help Jafar with the medical expenses from saving his son's life, and let Hamza go home as a healthy baby boy.