Anjali's online fundraiser for Education | Milaap
I am fundraising to help my class of high-flyers attain quality education.
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Anjali Nambiar

As part of Teach for India, I teach 37 little second graders in a school called ECI Matric Tondiarpet, North Chennai.The kids in my class are super enthusiasic and inquisitive and never stop asking questions such as what is the colour of water or how was the first curd ever made or if Taj Mahal was a place where people drank a lot of tea (owing to their knowledge of "Taj Mahal Tea":).

In the process of discovering the answers to these questions, all of us are becoming wiser and smarter people day by day. I ,their "mees" will help them discover answers to such questions. I wish to get the class a projector to show them more videos, a cupboard to keep their books, stationary,clay,worksheets,etc, take them on field trips to encourage exposure outside of the classroom and also get the flooring of the classroom fixed. As the school provides education to low income first generation learners, mostly, it charges a low fee resulting in poor overall infrastructure. I am raising Rs 50000 to improve the quality of my classroom.

I would be very grateful if you could help me a bit and contribute whatever little you can in making my class room conducive for learning .Even the smallest contribution would make a huge difference and would be, like my friend said, a drop in a bucket :)

Here's what I plan to get/do with the money:
1.Cupboard(Rs 5000)
2.Projector (Rs 15000)
3.Flooring(Rs 15000)
4.Field Trips(Rs 5000)
5.Books(Rs 5000)

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