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I am fundraising to
  • Dev

    Created by

    Dev Setty
  • NA

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Nature Admire

Many of the urban kids are born lucky to get maximum exposure to adventure activities; Thanks to their parents, school and media. But rural children are unfortunate their life is true adventurous as they've no exposure to these activities apart from watching it on televisions.
However, most of the schools from rural area, try to organise annual excursion to some well known water falls; mountains or temples. Yet, they visit the second highest water falls of the country - Jog Falls.
Hence, JMA - Jog Management Authority approached Nature Admire to setup an jungle gym at their car parking area which has huge trees, hence these can be used by children to get first hand experience of adventure activities.
Nature Admire offered free services to construct to set up High rope adventure activities like Burma bridge, Tyre wall, Spidernet, Commando bridge, parallel walk, tarzan swing, Jhummering, Slackline, Rope ladder, Trampoline.
JMA is sponsoring some equipments, but we still need of many equipments to construct the obstacles, hence looking forward for noble minded people to support this cause.
Used tyres, metal wires, ropes, Hard gear- Carabinears, Pulleys, descenders. Seat harness, Wooden platforms, Ladders, Climbing ropes, information board, Trampoline, Slackline, Zorbing

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