Yasin has a hole in her heart. Help her live! | Milaap
Yasin has a hole in her heart. Help her live!
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Need Rs.1,25,000
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Yasin suffers from 'Severe valver pulmonary stenosis' meaning she has a hole in her heart and needs to undergo a "balloon pulmonary valvotomy" at the earliest. In simple terms it means she has a hole in her heart and won't be able to survive for long if this surgery is not done. She has battled a lot of trauma both physically and emotionally due to this condition. It has gone to such an extent that her household is trying to shun her out of the house not to bear the burden of her expenses. she is currently staying with her parents instead of her marital home.

We earnestly urge you to pour in with your heartfelt donations to enable this woman to fight her disease. She will not only win against her disease but will stand up to the cruel outside world and on her own feet financially.

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