Sharmila's online fundraiser for Social Entrepreneurship | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
Fundraising to help 1000 cancer patients through Uncancer India. Every support counts.
  • Sd

    Created by

    Sharmila devi
  • UI

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Uncancer India

    from Bangalore

Ever Imagined how to overcome the most dreaded illness called Cancer?

What happens when life throws up a surprise in the form of most dreaded disease called ‘CANCER’ which you can never be prepared for. A thousand questions cross one’s mind on hearing the dreadful diagnosis and that is only the beginning. While one grapples with these questions and dilemma of life one has to make several difficult choices, finding the right place for treatment, choosing the right doctors, the donors, the finances, the family, the future and so on…. Now where does one find answers and support to overcome all these barriers that a cancer patient comes across along the continuum of care which can go on for years?

The Answer

unCancer India is where we help patients navigate and overcome some of these challenges. ‘unCancer India’ will be the connecting bridge between a cancer patient anywhere in India in finding him the right resources who will help resolve these barriers.

We are centralizing all cancer information resources within the country around various concerns so that anyone can possibly find the information they are looking for through our website; whether it is a hospital, a doctor, a diagnostic center, a second opinion, a donor registry, donations, an NGO or simply finding another cancer survivor who has undergone through similar experience of overcoming cancer.

Our platform brings together patients, cancer survivors and caregivers and professionals such as doctors and others to possibly share information to help other diagnosed patients.

For those who can’t possibly access information we are building training kits to help train cancer survivors and other who want to contribute to the cancer community and they are called our navigators. These navigators will help you not only in your emotional well-being but also help find the right resources to ensure the continuity of your treatment within your reach.

With unCancer India imagine help being only a phone call away or help finding you in what will be one of the most desperate times ever in one’s life. Imagine being able to make informed choices, better decisions and taking back control of life against such a dreadful challenge and painful times.

But for us to realise this and being able to achieve this means putting together and finding the right resources for the same. This year we intend to reach and support nearly a 1000 patients. Through this campaign we are seeking help from a thousand people to support us by donating on our campaign.

Our Success Story

unCancer India was a global finalist in ‘The BIG C Competition’ held by the LIVESTRONG FOUNDATION, USA seeking to find innovations to help cancer patients across the globe. We presented our venture in front of esteemed judges in AUSTIN, USA on oct 17th and won US $ 2500 and were declared as the runner ups in the competition where we were the only venture from Asia. We also received the second place in people’s choice award category in the same competition.

We the founders at ‘unCancer India’ are very proud survivors from the same dreaded disease ‘CANCER.’ We’ve overcome several challenges to reach here and we know what kind of support and help it takes for a person in need. We being recognised as finalist by the leading foundation across the world know for work in cancer care is a testimony and validation of our conviction in unCancer India.

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