Help Sauraj conquer the world's highest peak | Milaap
Help Sauraj conquer the world's highest peak
  • Sauraj

    Created by

    Sauraj Jhingan

Whats your Everest 

At some point in time in your life, you have faced an incredible ambition, one that has or will compel you to rise to the challenge, will redefine you as an individual, will be the very hallmark of your life and existence; your very own proverbial ‘Everest’.

In my case, this isn’t just a figure of speech. For me, my life’s goal is to actually climb  . . . Mt Everest.

On the financial requirement, the cost of running this 2 month expedition is INR 52 Lakhs ( $ 85 K ). We have been able to accumulate the bulk of this through sponsors, contributions by well-wishers, family and personal financing. Though we are still short by about 10 lakhs, we are taking the plunge and are hoping that between, now and March 15th, 2015, when we finally set out, we would be able to bridge that last crevasse-like gap.

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