Help My 14 Year Old Son For A Heart Transplant | Milaap
Help My 14 Year Old Son For A Heart Transplant
  • MK

    Created by

    Moiz Kapadia
  • co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    child of Kausar

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

I am Kausar, and am running this  campaign for my 14 year old son Moiz. Moiz is a cheerful boy, and we found out only last November that he needs a heart transplant. Since then I have admitted him in many hospitals across Mumbai, to get his health to improve. 

My wife Khateeja is a homemaker. We have two other children. Our son studies in class 7 and our daughter is still an infant. I run a small hardware store.

We are a middle class family and cannot afford the high expenses required for a heart transplant for our child.Help us save our eldest son!

In the last week of November 2016 my Son Moiz started coughing very badly & we took him to a Child Specialist who suggested a 2D ECHO thru which it was found out that His Heart was severely damaged & was working only 5 % of its Capacity. We admitted Moiz in Reliance Hospital during which he also developed a Blood Clot in his Heart & he was operated upon twice to remove the Blood Clot at Reliance Hospital. The Expert Team of Doctors at Reliance Hospital prescribed for a Heart Transplant gauging the condition of Moiz & suggested to admit Moiz in Fortis Hospital which specialises in Heart Transplants. Moiz underwent a small kidney operation to remove water accumulated in his liver & kidney in Fortis Again. Still his situation remains the same & Doctors have suggested for a LVAD if possible or Heart Transplant on emergency basis for which I am running this campaign through Milaap to raise Funds to Save My Son Moiz.

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