I am fundraising to get Jammu and Kashmir back to its feet. | Milaap
I am fundraising to get Jammu and Kashmir back to its feet.
  • Ashutosh

    Created by

    Ashutosh Sharotri
  • FM

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Frontier Markets

    from Jammu

The state of J&K has been hit by historic flooding and largely submerged after monsoons flooded the area earlier this month. Since flooding began on September 3, 1.9 million people have been affected and the death toll is 474 and rising. With water levels receding, the focus is now shifting from rescue to relief and rehabilitation. One of the biggest issues going forward will be shortage of essential supplies to J&K - food, water, medicines and blankets – with winter fast approaching. We encourage our community to stand in solidarity with distressed flood-affected people in Jammu and Kashmir and be part of the national effort to support them in this hour of crisis. Do contribute generously towards this relief. 100% of your contributions will be given to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund. All costs associated with your contribution (including payment gateway fees and wire transfer) will be absorbed by Milaap – this is the least we can do. Here’s an appeal from our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi “My Fellow Citizens, You are all aware that unprecedented floods have caused havoc in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. A large number of persons have died or have been temporarily displaced. Property and infrastructure worth crores of rupees have been damaged. Our fellow countrymen in Jammu and Kashmir need our help at this critical hour to tide over the calamity and to rebuild their lives. The Central Government is extending full cooperation to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir in the measures for rescue, relief and rehabilitation besides, direct assistance to the affected people. I request all fellow countrymen to stand shoulder to shoulder with our distressed brothers and sisters in Jammu and Kashmir and be part of the national effort to support them in this hour of crisis. I appeal to all citizens to donate generously to the Prime Minister`s National Relief Fund.”

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