Mahila Abhivrudhi Maththu Samrakshana Samsthe (MASS), founded in 1987, is a membership organization for Devadasi women in Belgaum, Karnataka. Its vision is: to eradicate the Devadasi system, and empower exploited women trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation under the guise of the Devadasi practice. The MASS membership drive is facilitated by local governance ‘Panchayat’ bodies and community support. MASS successfully campaigns for benefits from government programs and schemes. Milaap partners with MASS to provide enterprise development loans to former Devadasis trained in sustainable livelihood skills like tailoring, goat-rearing, etc. This empowers them to build small-businesses, achieve financial independence, and educate their children for a better future.
Total amount disbursed
Loans given
Repayment rate
99 %