Nandi Hillathon: Lake Rejuvenation, Yellahanka | Milaap
Nandi Hillathon: Lake Rejuvenation, Yellahanka
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Need Rs.6,60,000
  • UW

    Created by

    United Way Of Bengaluru
  • UW

    This fundraiser will benefit

    United Way of Bengaluru

    from Bangalore, Karnataka

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by United Way of Bengaluru

Yellahanka Lake situated off Bengaluru International Airport Road, Yellahanka, Bengaluru, Pincode 560 064.

Current Scenario: 

  • Lake is spread across 300 acres largely filled with water, well-maintained infrastructure in place such as lake is fenced.
  • Sewage diverted and clean water enters the lake, Bio-diversity in place with local and variety of plants attract birds and also maintains diversity in the lake, the island filled with fully grown plants and trees provide safe nest for birds away from noise and disturbances. 
  • Lake association maintaining and monitoring the lake. 
Mentioned below are the areas of improvement for active community participation and sustained efforts.

Neighborhood Lake Requirement:

Areas of support
Estimated Costs
Community Tree plantation and cleaning drive 
    • Cleaning drive – Picking up non-biodegradable waste in the lake area and disposing it appropriately, make the lake clean and plastic free 
    • Mulching, Manure, and watering – Periodically loosening soil around the plants, mulching and watering plants.
    • Planting drive - Local and appropriate plants species will be planted which will enhance the bio-diversity of the lake 
INR 10,000/- per month * 12 months
Little lake keepers club 
    • Support the lake association to form “Little lake keepers club”
    • For children between the age of 7 to 12 years 
    • Conduct activities such “know your lake”, “Identify birds and plants in the lake” through drawing, colouring competitions and quiz
INR 10,000/- per month * 12 months
Health screening and support for senior citizen and children
    • Conduct monthly health screening facility provided to senior citizens and children in the neighbourhood by professional team on monthly basis.
INR 25,000/- per month * 12 months
Upkeep of lake infrastructure 
Maintenance of Benches, Gazibho, Children play equipment if fitted, Security cabin, Toilets.
INR 10,000/- per month * 12 months

For more information please write to visit 

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