Fundraise for a Cause with Milaap : the Best Crowdfunding | Milaap
19th August 2021
Dear Family, Friends & Donors,

With great joy & gratitude, I share with you all the news that Putaraj has successfully undergone his kidney transplant surgery today (19th Aug 21), I am very happy to let you know he is stable and doing well!

On behalf of Madhvi and her family, I thank you all for your generosity and support, this day wouldn’t have been possible without it.

I would like to thank the Milaap team for giving a genuine platform for countless people in need and doing their job so efficiently and gracefully.

Here’s wishing Putaraj, a speedy recovery, good health, and happiness.
A big shout out to his wife Madhvi for being the family’s pillar of strength all the way, God is indeed Great!

A humble instrument in this handiwork of God!

Please continue supporting and sharing the campaign with your contacts and networks.

Thanks & Regards.,
Iram Fatima
Dear Family, Friends & Donors,

With great joy & gratitude, I share with you all the news that Putaraj has successfully undergone his kidney transplant surgery today (19th Aug 21), I am very happy to let you know he is stable and doing well!

On behalf of Madhvi and her family, I thank you all for your generosity and support, this day wouldn’t have been possible without it.

I would like to thank the Milaap team for giving a genuine platform for countless people in need and doing their job so efficiently and gracefully.

Here’s wishing Putaraj, a speedy recovery, good health, and happiness.
A big shout out to his wife Madhvi for being the family’s pillar of strength all the way, God is indeed Great!

A humble instrument in this handiwork of God!

Please continue supporting and sharing the campaign with your contacts and networks.

Thanks & Regards.,
Iram Fatima
26th October 2020
Dear Well Wishers,

I bring to you the news that Puttaraj had tested positive for Covid 19, he had been admitted into Nu hospital Bangalore, India.

i would like to bring to your notice the family's current situation and an insight into their last few months.

Earlier this year, Madhavi lost her job, which has put the family under further financial strain. They were still managing with family support. keeping the amount collected in Milaap safe for the transplant treatment for Puttaraj. but with the pandemic his treatment was put on hold indefinitely.

He then successfully underwent the treatment and has recovered now and is back home with family. Thank you for your support.

Iram Fatima
Dear Well Wishers,

I bring to you the news that Puttaraj had tested positive for Covid 19, he had been admitted into Nu hospital Bangalore, India.

i would like to bring to your notice the family's current situation and an insight into their last few months.

Earlier this year, Madhavi lost her job, which has put the family under further financial strain. They were still managing with family support. keeping the amount collected in Milaap safe for the transplant treatment for Puttaraj. but with the pandemic his treatment was put on hold indefinitely.

He then successfully underwent the treatment and has recovered now and is back home with family. Thank you for your support.

Iram Fatima
4th September 2019
Dear Well Wishers,

Its been 2 months since  Puttaraj has started the work up towards his transplant. As part of the process, he needed to under go Angioplasty. The procedure was done on 26th Aug '19. It has been done  successfully and he is doing good.  

Now, the doctors have advised him to relax and rest for 3 months before they restart the work up towards his transplant again. He will however be in regular touch with his Cardiologist and Nephrologist, visiting them regularly and carrying on with his dialysis.

With all your best wishes, the next update should bring the good news of Transplantation for him. I am updating the discharge summary of the Angioplasty. The expenses for it were waived off as they had waited and worked to receive a health benefit card that gave them this added exemption. He did have to pay for his angiogram blood tests and consultations with all the necessary doctors. I had shared the costing for them in my earlier update.

Once again my thanks and best wishes to all of you, who are with Madhavi and Puttaraj helping them in their time of need.

Kind Regards,
Iram Fatima

Dear Well Wishers,

Its been 2 months since  Puttaraj has started the work up towards his transplant. As part of the process, he needed to under go Angioplasty. The procedure was done on 26th Aug '19. It has been done  successfully and he is doing good.  

Now, the doctors have advised him to relax and rest for 3 months before they restart the work up towards his transplant again. He will however be in regular touch with his Cardiologist and Nephrologist, visiting them regularly and carrying on with his dialysis.

With all your best wishes, the next update should bring the good news of Transplantation for him. I am updating the discharge summary of the Angioplasty. The expenses for it were waived off as they had waited and worked to receive a health benefit card that gave them this added exemption. He did have to pay for his angiogram blood tests and consultations with all the necessary doctors. I had shared the costing for them in my earlier update.

Once again my thanks and best wishes to all of you, who are with Madhavi and Puttaraj helping them in their time of need.

Kind Regards,
Iram Fatima