Fundraise for a Cause with Milaap : the Best Crowdfunding | Milaap
18th July 2020

This is new update bill of picture of donating masks to Institute of Mental health PG and faculty

Bill of purchasing masks

This is new update bill of picture of donating masks to Institute of Mental health PG and faculty

Bill of purchasing masks

26th June 2020
2nd May 2020
Few countries have managed to flattened the curve for the new Covid 19 positive cases. India has done so well compared to lot of other countries but we are 3-4 weeks behind most countries. We still need to be vigilant and continue to practice social distancing and continue to use PPE and masks now more than ever.

We would like to thank all our donors for supporting this campaign and keeping the healthcare professionals and their families safe.

We want to continue to help our fellow healthcare professionals in Hyderabad, Telangana and Andhra, until we win this battle against this horrible disease. Please continue to support and spread the word.

Few countries have managed to flattened the curve for the new Covid 19 positive cases. India has done so well compared to lot of other countries but we are 3-4 weeks behind most countries. We still need to be vigilant and continue to practice social distancing and continue to use PPE and masks now more than ever.

We would like to thank all our donors for supporting this campaign and keeping the healthcare professionals and their families safe.

We want to continue to help our fellow healthcare professionals in Hyderabad, Telangana and Andhra, until we win this battle against this horrible disease. Please continue to support and spread the word.