This 10-Month-Old Was Refused Treatment By 3 Hospitals For | Milaap

This 10-Month-Old Was Refused Treatment By 3 Hospitals For His Failing Liver, He’s Running Out Of Time

“We took him to three different hospitals and all three refused to treat our baby. They said it was too risky and they didn’t want to take the chance. He’s only 10-months-old and we were being told that no one wanted to even try and save him. His condition only got worse. He had high fever, his skin and eyes became yellow. I started to panic! I told my husband that we had to take our son to another hospital, we had to do everything. In the middle of the night, we discharged him and took him to another hospital. That was our only hope.” – Deepa, mother

There, baby Tejasween underwent a procedure where his damaged bile ducts were removed to regulate the bile flow. He started to get better and they took him back home within a week. Deepa and Thangarasu were relieved, but just 4 days after he came back home, he fell sick again. The doctors told them that the procedure has failed and now a liver transplant was the only option left.

10-month-old Tejasween has a condition called Biliary atresia, a childhood liver disease in which one or more bile ducts are blocked. If not treated soon it can turn fatal, resulting in scarring and multiple organ failure.

Their baby had jaundice that is common only in adults

"Tejas used to cry all the time. We thought its normal for a newborn to cry. He never sleeps and stays awake the whole day. The maximum he would have slept would be five minutes every two hours. We didn’t take him to the hospital since he was healthy, breastfed well and was active. We knew about his life-threatening disease only when we took him to a doctor for vaccination." - Deepa

Doctors found out that his eyes were slightly yellow in colour and refused to give him a vaccine. They advised the parents to take him soon for a checkup. The tests results showed that he has jaundice that is common only in adults. Worried and confused Tejas’s parents admitted him immediately to the nearby children’s hospital for treatment. That is how his fight began.

They can lose him before he turns 1 if he doesn't get the transplant 

"My Tejas hasn’t even turned one and before that, he has spent most of his life in hospital beds and ICUs. Since I allow nurses to give him painful injections and take him away for scans, he doesn’t even trust me anymore. He is too small to undergo this much pain. My son deserves a happy childhood…he deserves to live like anyone else."- Deepa, Mother

With every passing minute, his condition is deteriorating 

"Each day I delay, his stomach is also getting bigger. After struggling for days, one of his uncle has come forward to donate. Fortunately, his liver matched. But the whole procedure will cost us 25 lakhs, something I could never afford. I had already spent more than 10 lakhs for the previous operation, medicines and hospital stay. I can nothing left," - Thangarasu

Thangarasu works in a private company. He has taken too many leaves for his son’s treatment for the past few months, he didn't even get any salary. He sold his wife’s jewels, took loans from friends and moneylenders and now he has no option left. He needs to pay 25 lakhs in a week so that little Tejasween's life can be saved. You are their only ray of hope in this time of distress.

Baby Tejasween is in a lot of pain. Only a transplant can save his life and he needs your help to afford it. 

Patient Thejasween is 10 months old, living in Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Being treated by Dr. Naresh Shanmugam in Dr. Rela Institute & Medical Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Receiving Liver Transplant treatment for Biliary Atresia

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