Despite Being Unable To Walk And Vomiting Everyday, He Never | Milaap

Despite Being Unable To Walk And Vomiting Everyday, He Never Missed A Single Day Of School

"Our son, despite his pain and suffering, is so passionate about his studies. He limps while walking, faces vomiting episodes every day at school and his teachers have to help him. Yet, he doesn't miss a day. He just wants to be seen as a normal child. His determination inspires us to strive each day to save him.”- Vengadesan, father.

Vengadesan and his wife Mageswari live a simple, humble life in Pondicherry. All they care about is the welfare of their two children, both young boys. Their eldest son, a smart 13-year-old is now facing the battle of his life - his kidneys are failing and he is becoming weaker every day. As his health wanes, these parents are rapidly losing out on hope too. Vengadesan, an ordinary auto driver, shoulders the responsibility of a son's life hanging by a fragile thread.

He Fought with Kidney Disease All His Life, But He May Lose the Battle Now

From the age of 1.5, the child's life took an unexpected turn. A persistent high fever revealed significant kidney damage. The family, shocked, set out on a journey through numerous hospitals. Medications sustained him until two years ago, when dialysis became a harsh reality. Now, both kidneys have failed, and he undergoes dialysis thrice a week, coupled with a stringent medication routine.

"The diagnosis was like a storm in our lives. It was so unexpected, yet our boy faced it all with resilience. But now, he cannot even walk properly. Seeing him cry out in pain every day breaks my heart."- Mageswari, mother.

As the disease tightened its grip, the child missed a year of schooling due to its severity. However, his determination prevailed, and he resumed his studies soon after. Despite the appearance of normalcy, his daily struggles, where he isn't able to even drink enough water to quench his thirst, paint a different picture.

The family spends almost 10,000 INR every month on the child's treatment, a sum that is beyond their means.

The boy requires injections twice a week, costing 250 INR each time. With dialysis thrice a week and multiple medicines, the family is trapped in a relentless cycle of expenses. A kidney transplant emerges as the only lifeline, a beacon of hope in the darkness of despair.

"I cannot afford the transplant for my son. Every day is a struggle, and I am reaching out to anyone who can help us fund the transplant. He deserves a chance at a normal life." - Vengadesan, tearfully.
 The boy dreams of running and playing like other children, and with the support of kind souls, that dream might just become a reality.

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Patient Son of Vengadesan is 13 years old, living in Puducherry, Union Territory of Puducherry
Being treated in East Coast Hospital,, Puducherry, Union Territory of Puducherry

Receiving treatment for Kidney Disease

Click here to know more about Son of Vengadesan