Help This Former Journalist In Preventing The Shutdown Of The | Milaap
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Help This Former Journalist In Preventing The Shutdown Of The Free Boarding School

"In the amazing Himalayas, there's a special place called Spiti Valley. It's beautiful, but the kids here face big challenges. Some are expected to be monks or nuns, which can be scary and limit their dreams. But at Planet Spiti Foundation, we're changing that! We're here to give these kids a chance to learn and grow." - Portia Putatunda, Founder & Director, Planet Spiti Foundation.

Portia Putatunda never imagined that of all the places in the world, she would plan to settle down in a high-altitude region of the Himalayas known for its extreme climates and living conditions. But fate brought her back to Spiti Valley in Himachal Pradesh after a life-altering event - her dear father’s death.

She used all her savings and started Planet Spiti Foundation in 2021. It's not just a school; it's a home for the little kids in Spiti. Portia teaches them important things, like English and life skills. She's not just a teacher; she's also like a parent, a cook, a principal, and someone who finds money for the school.

Embracing the philosophy of 'catch them young,' I am determined to shape their learning journey right from nursery age. Our youngest student is only 2.5 years old. The oldest is about 10. We had 15 children enrolled in the first year, but many of them had to drop out after their villages got washed away in the recent floods. Although our capacity is limited to expanding only up to class 5, there are plans to collaborate with a high school to ensure a seamless educational transition beyond that level.” - Portia

She plans to adapt to an international curriculum, integrating it with gardening classes to provide a holistic educational experience in the future.

As of now, their facility includes two classrooms, Portia’s living quarters, a kitchen, a designated bathing space featuring a glass ceiling to capture and retain heat, two dry toilets, and a dormitory. There is a small library too.

A lack of funds is hindering her school’s growth

Looking ahead, Portia also has plans to renovate storage rooms for added functionality. Moreover, in recognition of the community's religious inclinations, she aims to construct a meditation-cum-prayer room too. But she is in urgent need of funds for this purpose.

“Our goal is to achieve sustainability, considering the challenging conditions we face. After a personal accident carrying water cans uphill, we recognize the need for a safer alternative. The absence of proper roads and the harsh climate make manual transportation difficult. As a result, we aim to establish an underground piping system to alleviate the burden.” - Portia

"To make things better for Spiti's kids, Planet Spiti Foundation really needs your help. We want to make the school bigger and add important things like more rooms, a kitchen, and toilets. We also want to do smart things like pipes for water and a garden on the roof. Your help can make a big difference for these kids!" - Portia

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Registration Number - AAOCM6666MF20229
EIN 20-5139364

Click here to know more about Planet Spiti Foundation