They Have Only One Question – Will Their Son Ever Wake Up? | Milaap

They Have Only One Question – Will Their Son Ever Wake Up?

Just a week, it took just a week for Shakil’s 4-year-old to get to this pitiful state. He is in the ICU now, and hasn’t opened his eyes for the last few days. Shakil and his wife, Raziya, are waiting by his bedside, the constant beeping of the machines increasing their worry. These parents don’t know if their son will ever open his eyes again.
“I can’t hold back my tears when I enter the room. What happened to my son? He was all fine just a few days ago, playing with his little brother. And now he is lying unconscious. Will he not…?” - Shakil can’t finish his sentence

After two surgeries, the parents thought he would be fine - they were wrong

Shakil and Raziya’s 4-year-old, Ayan, has Hirschsprung disease - a very rare condition of the large intestine that causes difficulty in passing stool. It was detected at birth and the baby even underwent two surgeries that were supposed to fix the problem.

“We thought everything would be fine. And it was, there was no problem, no complication. But everything changed one week ago. He had a severe infection while passing stool, he held his stomach and started crying. We got him admitted immediately but he wasn't getting any better. And now he is not even conscious…” - Raziya, mother.  

They eat only when someone buys them food - they can’t even take care of their 2-month-old

Raziya didn’t want to stay at home while her son is fighting for his life. However, she had no choice but to take her 2-month-old baby to the hospital.

“Where can we keep him, you tell me? There’s no one at home and the baby can’t stay without me. We feel so helpless, no parent should feel like this... ever!” - Raziya.

A tailor by profession, Shakil doesn’t know how he can save his son

Shakil is a tailor in Shivaji Nagar, Bangalore. His income is just about enough to feed his family. He has never been able to save anything substantial. Now, in the last few days, he has spent around a lakh.
“None of this is my money, I have borrowed every penny. I don’t even know if I can pay them back. And now they’re telling me that for Ayan to live, he needs to stay in the ICU for 3-4 more weeks! That I need to pay 20 lakhs. How will I arrange for so much?” - Shakil

He stands outside the ICU door staring blankly at the wall ahead. He is helpless. You are his only ray of hope. With your help, he can save his 4-year-old. 
Patient Mohammad Ayan is 4 years old, living in Bengaluru
Being treated by Dr.Sanjay Rao in NH Mazumdar Shaw Medical Centre, Bengaluru

Receiving PICU treatment for Hirschsprung's disease

Click here to know more about Mohammad Ayan