"Shortly After Our Daughter's Birth, My Karthiga Suffered A | Milaap

"Shortly After Our Daughter's Birth, My Karthiga Suffered A Severe Head Injury"

Sometimes, when I talk about something she likes or try to remind her something heartwarming from our past, she looks at me as though she understands what I just said. And for a moment there, I feel like my Karthiga is slowly coming back to me. Doctors say that these are involuntary and that she is not doing this with intent…but I am sure that one day I’ll get her back – all of her. She needs to come back…for our baby girl, if not for me. We need her.” – Gopinath, husband.

After tying the knot, Gopinath and Karthiga led a blissful marital life, and were blessed with a baby girl shortly after. Everything was going well until…

A road accident changed their lives forever

In January 2021, Karthiga was riding pillion with her husband, Gopinath, when another bike rammed into them, toppling her over and causing a severe head injury on impact. She was rushed to the hospital where she underwent regular trauma care for three days until she had a massive seizure. Doctors informed her family that her sodium levels had dropped drastically and she was immediately shifted to a hospital with advanced ICU facilities. But her condition did not improve. She had another massive seizure.

"After the second seizure, her body became completely unresponsive and limp. Her arms and legs stopped showing any kind of movement. She was completely unconscious, and her eyes were closed. I remember the doctor telling me after seeing her MRI reports – We cannot say anything about her rate of recovery. It could happen now, or it could happen in a hundred days.” - Gopinath.

Despite the challenges, he is not ready to give up on her

Karthiga had spent more than two months in hospital, in and out of the ICU. In March 2021, she finally opened her eyes but it wasn’t followed by more progress…she couldn’t even breathe on her own at this stage. She had to be taken off the ventilator shortly after due to risk of infection, and underwent a tracheostomy to help clear her airway. She was discharged in April 2021 despite being in a semi-vegetative state, whereby doctors advised a complete home-based recovery.

“From then, she has needed supportive care, physiotherapy and a nursing assistant all round the clock. Despite taking such good care of her, she has battled infections; some more severe than the others. She had to be hospitalized a few times because of this. This has hindered her recovery, but I am not ready to give up hope.” - Gopinath

Keeping Karthiga alive at this stage costs more than INR 2.5 lakhs per month, including medications and equipment. Gopinath was able to manage these expenses until now by selling whatever land and jewellery he possessed. Now, he is unable to pay for further treatment as he is presently unemployed and in deep financial trouble.

With your help, this loving husband can get his wife treated and help her bounce back to life. Click here to contribute.

Patient Karthiga is 28 years old, living in Maraimalainagar, Tamil Nadu
Being treated in Kims Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Receiving treatment for Road traffic accident with polytrauma

Click here to know more about Karthiga