I don’t know what to do anymore. With each passing hour our son’s condition is getting worse, and I’m no closer to being able to afford the liver transplant that can save his life!
We are in such a state now that every day my wife and I have to choose between having something to eat and having a place to sleep at night! I can’t afford both! How will I save him?!
— Bimlesh, father

When 11-year-old Chandan told his parents one evening a few months ago that he didn’t feel like going out for cricket practice, they knew something was wrong. When they felt his forehead and discovered he was burning up, they rushed him to a local clinic. Over the next few days, his skin and eyes started turning bright yellow, much to the terror of his parents.
“The doctor immediately ran some scans and told us that... that our son has severe liver disease, and that he could die if we didn’t get him treatment right away!” — Deepa, mother

The next two months were hell for both Chandan and his father
Bimlesh took his son to many hospitals, but because of COVID restrictions he wasn’t able to get him admitted anywhere. Meanwhile Chandan’s health kept worsening. His stomach started swelling with toxic fluid from his liver and he was in pain all the time. He got increasingly bedridden.
“Eventually he got so critical that even if I could get him admitted locally, they couldn’t treat him because they didn’t have the equipment. So as soon as flights were restored, I brought him to Hyderabad. It was the first time we ever got on a flight, but my son couldn’t enjoy it because he was whimpering in pain the whole way!” — Bimlesh, eyes brimming with tears

Little Chandan’s liver disease is in its most severe form now
“They said liver disease can be in two stages. The first is more manageable, but in the second one the liver is too scarred and damaged. At that point, without an urgent liver transplant, the life expectancy...” — Deepa, turning away, unable to finish
Chandan has already started vomiting blood. This only happens when the liver is in its end stages. That he made it this far is a miracle in itself, and his parents really don’t want to waste this blessing by delaying his transplant any further. But the cost is too much for them.

Bimlesh needs your help to save his son
“He saw some children playing cricket the other day and he asked me how much longer I’ll take to fix him. I couldn’t answer him and that broke my heart! I was just a small shopkeeper before the lockdown, I can't afford 18 lakhs! We’ve already begged and borrowed from everyone we know. What do I say to my son? How can I look him in the face, knowing I won’t be able to save his life? You’re our only hope now. Please help me save him.” — Bimlesh