Contribute to be a part of creating Adiyogi - the largest | Milaap

How to get involved

how it works 1

Contribute now

Donate to take yoga across the world. Be a cause to create true wellbeing in everyone’s life

how it works 2

Be a fundraiser

Set up a fundraiser campaign to take yoga across the world and get your network to contribute

how it works 3

Encourage support

Share it on social media and encourage your friends and family to donate too

Adiyogi – The cornerstone of a spiritual movement

"Adiyogi predates all religion;in celebration of the universality of his methods, this glorious face of 112 ft height" ~ Sadhguru

On Mahashivarathri 2017 (February 24th), a 112-foot face of Adiyogi – the largest face in the world – will be consecrated by Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.

The glorious face of Adiyogi will be an inspiration and a reminder to all, that the science of yoga is the doorway to liberation. The idea of creating an iconic face like this is not to build one more monument but to use it as a galvanizing force to transform the world from believing what we do not know, to seeking the truth of life. This will be the cornerstone of a spiritual movement that will flood the world as envisioned by Sadhguru.

It is Sadhguru’s wish and vision that everyone above the age of ten is empowered with simple tools for transformation to enable themselves and blossom to their full potential.

We would like to make sure that this movement reaches as many people as possible.

"A world full of love, light and laughter; – its time has come. Let us make it happen." ~ Sadhguru

We invite you to get involved

  • Let us begin by making yoga a part of our life through these 5-minute tools for transformation. Yoga is not about twisting and bending, standing on one’s head or holding one’s breathe. Yoga is the science and technology to explore the essential nature of how this life is created, and how it can be taken to its ultimate possibility.

  • The number 112 is both symbolic and scientifically significant to our existence. Adiyogi opened up one hundred and twelve possibilities for human beings to reach their ultimate nature. You could also contribute in multiples of 112 For E.g. - Rs.1120 or $112. Rs.2240 or $224

  • You can contribute few Angas: One Anga is 1 square feet of the total surface area of AdiYogi statue. Cost of 1 Anga is Rs 3750.

    • One Eye is 90 Angas – Rs.3,37,500/-

    • Forehead is 250 Angas – Rs.9,37,500/-

    • Ear is 160 Angas – Rs.6,00,000/-

  • You can create your own fundraiser page by clicking and sharing the page with your friends with a personal note.

  • You can also support the movement by sharing on Face book, Twitter and social media or personally to friends, family and colleagues.

Mail us to or call 94878 95891 / 9442504724

Fundraisers who are part of this spiritual movement

This will be an eternal offering, a lasting legacy and an invaluable gift for future generations