Hi. This is Sanjukt & Swastika.
We are on a mission to give every child in India access to a simple Library + Laboratory where they can shape their own future.We started The WALLOBOOKS Project in 2014. Today, our work benefits over 50,000 children in vulnerable communities across the country from 100 centers in Kolkata, 59 in Delhi, 4 in Arunachal Pradesh, 1 in Telengana and 24 in Karnataka.
In 2019 we want to build 100 Centers in each state, to cover 1 million children. We cannot do this alone.
Here is our story :)

We said yes!
But we wondered what next.
More crayons?

People often ask us -- so, just a sack with books, right? Yes, it is made of sack. It can hold 100 books.
We can add another 100 books easily. And as much as we want :) They can take the books anywhere.
There are no rules.
It takes us Rs. 7000 and 100 Kids to start ONE WALLOBOOKS. The kids build it entirely with their own hands. It takes them two days :)Experience for yourself what it takes,
Experience for yourself what it takes,
and what it means for the kids --
The WALLOBOOKS Project has now become a powerful Not for Profit movement to give every vulnerable child in India direct access to a Library + Laboratory.
Designed, built & managed by the children themselves, it is a new way for them to discover, learn & have fun together.

Once a center starts, we run 4 Core Interventions over the year, to re:imagine learning outcomes.

The Annual Status of Education Report published by PRATHAM says that barely 5 out of 10 in Standard V can read a basic Standard II level text. Close to 20% children can only read letters or not even that. 14% can read words but not sentences. 19% can read sentences but not longer text.
The final result is a population of young adults who are just not ready to participate in the vibrant dreams of a great country.Our vision is to ensure

The final result is a population of young adults who are just not ready to participate in the vibrant dreams of a great country.
Our vision is to ensure
that no child is left behind.

In 2019 we are embarking on a mission to build 100 centers in each state of India to cover 1 million children.
The annual budget for each WALLOBOOKS center is Rs. 25000.
It costs us Rs. 7000 to start and Rs. 18000 to run the center and execute our interventions for a year.
We are raising Rs. 1 Crore in this campaign to build and run 400 Centers. Our plan is to cover 20 States with this support.
We are also raising funds from other sources, including larger grant giving organizations to complete our mission.
We are a frugal, Section 8 Not for Profit Foundation, and though we are currently funded by individual donations & grants, we have a plan for sustainability that we are executing slowly and firmly.
It is books that made each one of us who we are today. You will be joining a movement to give that same opportunity to children who would otherwise be left behind.
You may connect with us directly.
Swastika Gurung M 97350 16096 / Email
Sanjukt K. Saha M 97485 30105 / Email
The WALLOBOOKS Project is run by Crayons of Hope Foundation, a Section 8 Not for Profit Organization. Visit our world at www.wallobooks.org and www.facebook.com/wallobooks to know more about us.
Read our coverage in media --
YourStory | The Telegraph | The Logical Indian | The Better India | Deccan Chronicle