6 year old, Master Vivash, son of Mr and Mrs. Raja, was studying in 2nd standard and was like any other normal child of his age till May 2016. He developed a swelling in his neck. The child was taken to various physicians and finally was diagnosed to have Burkitt Lymphoma .
The swelling was rapidly progressing in size making him difficult to breathe. He was started on radiotherapy and when the parents were hoping for his improvement, the disease worsened and had spread to other parts of his body. Vivash developed multiple complications like acute renal failure requiring dialysis, uncontrolled hypertension resulting in seizures and temporary loss of vision. As his disease is not responding to the first line of drugs, he is being given intensive chemotherapy to control his tumour growth.

Vivash, inspite of all his difficulties is still a very cheerful boy and is a great warrior. The family had spent around 15 lakhs till now and had run out of resources for his future treatment. The parents want their only child to be cured so that he can lead a normal life like any other child of his age.

The family needs around Rs.10 lakhs for his further chemotherapy.
Your contributions would add strength to this little brave warrior.