Unlock Potential | Milaap
Unlock Potential
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    The Better India
  • SS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Signal Shala Sharanam Arunashraya

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

This Mother's Day, Seven Seas & The Better India bring you the opportunity to be a Mother to many more and help children #UnlockPotential. 

We are raising funds to help below listed orphanages

Signal Shala (Mumbai):
The school was formally established by non-profit organisation Samarth Bharat Vyaspith (SBV) in 2016 with 22 children, who along with their parents used to sell knick-knacks or beg at the traffic signal.

Sharanam (Mumbai): 
A shelter for poor and destitute girls in Mumbai, Sharanam was set up in the year 2000, by Sharada along with her husband Nirmal, and since then they have rescued, supported, uplifted and utterly transformed hundreds of lives. 

Arun Ashraya (Pune):
Arun Aashray is a home for abandoned, destitute and unwanted children. It houses new born infants and children up to the age of six years.

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