Rachel's online fundraiser for Education | Milaap
I am fundraising to provide quality education to my first grade readers. Please support my campaign!
  • Rachel

    Created by

    Rachel Mathew
  • TF

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Teach For India

    from Pune, Maharashtra

The First Grade Readers is a Class of 31 kids studying in a low income Government school in Pune.This school has been allotted to me through Teach For India. The project aims at providing Whole brain learning for these kids so that they can break out of their current struggles.
The money will be used for the following purposes:
1. Worksheets - Currently my class struggles with writing. They are at a cognitive level where they are able to understand concepts but due to their slow writing, I am not able to push them towards a higher level i.e critical thinking. Therefore for every class I design worksheets and it is working really well. It is however an expensive affair. ( 5 worksheets per day x Rs. 1.5 x 31 kids x 26 days ) = Rs. 6045 per Month.
2. Organizing Field trips
3. Providing food as they stay for extra class after school
4. In the year 2015 we plan to take a more structured extra class which will be outside the school venue. I have observed that this directed attention boosts up their performance. I am searching for a venue which is near the school where the kids can study. The money will be used for monthly rents.
5. Setting up a Mini library in Class

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