Help Syeda Nabiha Undergo BMT | Milaap
Help Syeda Nabiha Undergo BMT
  • DS

    Created by

    Dr. Sunil Bhat
  • SN

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Syeda Nabiha

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Syeda is a 8-year-old with aggressive blood cancer. She was diagnosed in 2015 and despite treatment for a year, her cancer relapsed. In the time that she has been sick, her family has been evicted twice due to not having money for rent. But the family wants to continue Syeda's treatment and get her the bone-marrow transplant that will save her life.

Syeda is sick of being in the hospital. Suffering from the side-effects of her medicines, she keeps asking her mother when they will go back. She wants to go back to her house in Mysore and eat home-made food that her mother made on holidays. In the strange, sanitised hospital, Syeda repeats her desire to go home like a mantra.

What her parents have not told her is that the home she remembers – has been relocated again. It had happened first during her cancer treatment in KIDWAI. Her parents were in Bangalore for the treatment. When they went back home after 8 months of treatment, the landlord had locked them outside.

They have been evicted once again, but this time the situation is even more dire. Humeira has spent much more for Syeda's treatment. The family that lives a hand-to-mouth existence as it is, has spent Rs 4.5 lakhs on the treatment so far. They can't imagine where they will get the 30 lakhs needed for the bone-marrow transplant.

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