Help This Engineer Put An End To The Practice Of Child Labour | Milaap
Help This Engineer Put An End To The Practice Of Child Labour
of Rs.80,00,000
30748 supporters
  • YEF

    Created by

    YEF India
  • YI

    This fundraiser will benefit

    YEF India

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Dear Socially Responsible Citizens, 

We all know the situation of daily wage earners and their families after COVID crisis. Many lives were adversely affected, even educated, mainstream people also lost their jobs, what to talk of marginalized communities. Due to this pandemic millions of daily wage earners lost their job and moved to hometown. Now after unlock, there is no means left for their  survival, no work opportunity is available for them. People are going into high debt, and this debt will affect education their children, these children will be bound to drop studies and support family by working as a child labour. 

Since years we have worked on distribution of temporary relief kits and when we look back to them we found they are still in the same queue waiting for someone's support.
It compelled us to think for permanent solutions. Inspired by my own journey I want to make the youth self dependent by equipping them with required skill sets.
But it's tough to bring a change when people are habitual of their own pattern. We try hard to make one person of the family self employed. Mainly the youth. 
If they become able to take responsibilities, the destiny of family changes. Without waiting for someone's support they can pave the path of their own development. Individual Development contributes to societal Development.

Our Past Work:

We were  running a helpline number for daily wage workers, by giving a missed call they can reach out to us. 

50+ Volunteers are working with us to cater their needs.
We have helped around 1500 families by distributing food and grocery kits. 

We have also helped many families in medical emergency.
Helpline work process:

Supported 10 family of blinds in Pune

Introduction to our organization:
We have team of volunteers in the few cities of our country they are working relentlessly serve the society. 

We educate underprivileged children.

  • Provide skill training to youth and women.

  • We provide platforms to children where they can showcase their talents like singing, dancing, painting etc.

  • We channelize the youth potential and connect them with their duty to contribute  toward nation building. 

  • We are also in touch is orphanage/old age home, our team visit there to support. 

It is important that in times like this we show solidarity and come forward to help the ones in need. You can ask questions, before donating the amount.

We are trying to help the families of these daily wage earners

Please donate towards this noble cause and join the fight against Coronavirus.

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