13-Years-Old Tushar Needs Your Urgent Support To Fight Scrub | Milaap
13-Years-Old Tushar Needs Your Urgent Support To Fight Scrub Typhus
  • SK

    Created by

    Soumya Khamari
  • TR

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Tushar Ranjan Sa

    from Bhubaneswar, Odisha

My name is Soumya Khamari, I am here to raise funds for my nephew Tushar, 13 years old who is suffering from Scrub Typhus, a rare disease, blood poisoning by bacteria. He too lost 70% of his lungs as revealed by CT scan, He's in VENTILATOR support now. Tushar needs your urgent support and blessings in fighting the deadly disease, he is receiving ICU care at Utkal hospital, Bhubaneswar, Kindly helps me in keeping my nephew Tushar alive.
As per doctors Tushar will need longer treatment for survival and need expenditure of around 7,00,000. We've already spent Rs 2,00,000 on his treatment till now.

Kindly help as per your capabilities so that my Nephew, a scholar student, a loving son survive to see the world.

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