Help build Green Leaves LP School in Shyntor Bulia Village, | Milaap
Help build Green Leaves LP School in Shyntor Bulia Village, Meghalaya
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Need Rs.15,50,000
  • RL

    Created by

    Rosanna Lyngdoh
  • SP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Syntorbulia Primary School

    from Nongpoh, Meghalaya

1. Introduction
Green Leaves LP School in Shyntor Bulia village is a vital educational institution serving 80 students, belonging to 65 families. The villagers built the school themselves as the nearest primacy school is located at a distance of 4 km away. The school's current dilapidated condition poses significant challenges to the learning environment and overall well-being of the students.

2. Project Background
2.1 School Condition
  • Building: The school building is in a state of disrepair, with crumbling walls, leaky roof, and unsafe floors.
  • Sanitation: The lack of proper toilets for both girls and boys creates unhygienic conditions and can lead to health issues.
  • Furniture: The school needs desk-benches and few other basic furniture’s.
  • Water Access: The school lacks an overhead drinking water facility.
2.2 Educational Impact
The poor state of the school building and facilities negatively impacts the learning environment. Students are unable to concentrate in a classroom that is uncomfortable, unsafe, and lacking basic amenities.

3. Project Objectives
  • Reconstruct School Building: Build a new, durable school building using sustainable materials like bamboo, wood, and tin. Include a reinforced concrete floor and a verandah for outdoor learning and activities.
  • Construct Toilets: Provide separate, clean toilets for girls and boys to promote hygiene and dignity.
  • Install Overhead Water Tank and Filter: Ensure a constant supply of clean drinking water for students and staff by installing an overhead water tank and a water filtration system.
Proposed design of new building:
4. Project Activities
  • Site Preparation: Prepare a new site next to the existing building for construction.
  • Building Construction: Construct the new school building using bamboo, wood, and tin for the walls and roof, and reinforced concrete for the floor.
  • Toilet Construction: Build separate toilet facilities for girls and boys, including proper sanitation and hygiene measures.
  • Water Tank Installation: Install an overhead water tank to store rainwater or purified water.
  • Filter Installation: Install a water filtration system to ensure the quality of drinking water.
5. Expected Outcomes
  • Improved learning environment for students.
  • Increased attendance and engagement.
  • Improved health and well-being of students and staff.
  • Enhanced educational outcomes.
  • Sustainable and resilient school infrastructure.
6. Budget: School Building budget (100 students)
Cost headsUnitUnit costtotal (Rs.)
1. School building size: 20x40 sq. ft 800 sq.ft.
2. Toilet for boys, girls -200 sq. ft200 sq.ft
500 sq.ft.
3. Running water facility with iverhead tank150,000/-50,000
4. School furniture

4.1 desk-bench set x 25343,000/-102,000
4.2 Almirah x 5510,000/-50,000
4.3 table-chair set55,000/-25,000
5. electrification150,000/-50,000
6. Sports items110,000/-10,000
7. educational materials125,000/-25,000
8. desktop computer set280,000/-160,000
 TOTAL 1,532,000/-
7. Sustainability Plan

  • Maintenance: Develop a maintenance plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the school building and facilities.
  • Community Involvement: Engage the local community in the maintenance and upkeep of the school.
  • Fundraising: Explore ongoing fundraising opportunities to support the school's operations and maintenance.

8. Request for support
We urge you to support this project and invest in the future of the children in Shyntor Bulia village. Your contribution will help create a safe, healthy, and conducive learning environment for these young minds.

Rongjeng Welfare Foundation 
Shyntor Bulia Village, Ribhoi District
Project Director: Ms. Rosanna Lyngdoh (9402548814)

** Google map link:

** Donations are tax exemption as per Section 80G. Donor are requested to submit their PAN card to receive donation certificate:



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