5-year-old Surya has only one day to get an urgent liver | Milaap
5-year-old Surya has only one day to get an urgent liver transplant
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    P R N Surya Reddy

    from Banjara Hills, Hyderabad

“We get to see him when he is awake. Yesterday, he kept begging for water. He can't take too much water or stay awake for more than a few minutes.” – Srinivas, Surya's father

Surya is in the intensive care unit under constant monitoring. He has very less time left to get a liver transplant before his condition becomes irreversibly bad. His father, Srinivas is a compatible donor. He is a farmer and he has borrowed heavily for treatment till now. He does not have the time to arrange for funds in time.

In just a month, Surya's jaundice brought him to death's doors

“Surya is number-one active boy. He is in class 2 and he gets the first rank in class. He talks to everyone so nicely. It makes it that much harder for us to see him this way. He is just lying there alone – too sick to get up and say anything.” – Srinivas

Surya fell sick at the beginning of last month. He stopped eating and vomited everything he ate. A urine test showed he had jaundice and the doctor gave him medicines for a month. But in just two weeks, Surya's eyes turned yellow and he developed a very high fever. His parents took him to Vijayawada, the nearest city to their village.

A liver transplant is the only way Surya can survive

Srinivas brought Surya to Hyderabad last Friday. He had acute liver failure and his liver was already over 90% damaged. His bilirubin levels were forty times higher than normal. Nothing the doctors do will help Surya now. He needs a new liver to survive liver failure.

“We had a child years' after we got married. I am in my forties and seeing our son grow up is my dearest hope. For his sake, I can't give up. But things are very difficult. His blood group is AB negative, the rarest blood group. Even getting blood to keep him stable is difficult. I don't even know how I will pay for ICU costs, let alone the liver transplant.” – Srinivas

A rice processing machine is Srinivas' source of income

Srinivas barely earns anything as a tenant farmer. But he saved up money and bought a rice-processing machine. Farmers from his village come to him to get paddy processed and ready to sell. His income is seasonal and is just enough for their needs. Srinivas has already spent over Rs 5 lakhs on treatment. He has nothing left to pay for the life-saving liver transplant his son needs. 

How you can help

Surya's condition is critical and he needs an urgent liver transplant. If his condition worsens any further, it will be too late to save him. His father will donate a part of his own liver but that can only happen when he gets enough funds to save him.

This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.

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