Hello everyone, this is PAWSUNITED FOUNDATION and we are once again in need of your help. This 5 month old puppy was tragically hit by a speeding vehicle. The brutal accident left her with a head injury & massive internal bleeding. She was lying on the street and yelping in pain for help.
Upon reaching the site and seeing her condition, she was rushed to the hospital by our team. She was given life saving drugs and is currently being prepared for a surgery which is the only solution to mitigate the damage caused by the accident. The accident has caused major neurological damage and the ultrasound has revealed a burst bladder which is leading to accumulation of urine in her entire body.We are doing all that is in our might to keep her out of pain and save her life. She is being treated by Dr LalChand Prajapati, Lucknow Pet Clinic and is under the care of PAWSUNITED FOUNDATION. Without your help, we will fail in our attempts to save her life. Please donate, please share as much as you can. Your one share may save her life. Every single penny donated will be used towards her surgery and treatment. Please help us help her.