Every donation made till 31st October is matched 100% by promisors from LivingMyPromise.org, thereby DOUBLING your impact
This Daan Utsav help small farmers Plant Fruit Trees and help alleviate hunger and poverty while fighting pollution and climate change
The Daan Utsav fund raising is to help small farmers in the drought prone arid regions of Bundelkhand, plant and nurture 100,000 fruit trees of Guava, Lemon, Gooseberry, Pomegranate and Custard apple in their homesteads and farms.
The fruits from these trees help prevent malnutrition among women and children, and, sale of the excess fruits provide an alternate source of income for the villagers and farmers who plant and nurture these fruit trees.
All contributions made to this Campaign, will be matched in FULL MEASURE, by the #LivingMyPromise signatories!! This means that for EVERY tree YOU plant, ONE MORE will be planted by US, thanks to #LivingMyPromise!
Sustainable Green Initiative Foundation is deeply grateful for this generosity!

Sustainable Green Initiative Foundation helps small and medium farmers across India to create sustainable livelihoods by helping them plant and nurture fruit trees in a part of their land holding.

This fund raising is being organised to help small farmers in the drought prone arid regions of Bundelkhand plant and nurture 100,000 fruit trees of Guava, Lemon, Gooseberry, Pomegranate and Custard apple in the homesteads and farms
Q) How to convert ₹ 2,100 to ₹ 50,000 in three years?
A) Help a small farmer plant 100 fruit trees.
As you may be knowing, Papaya and Bananas fruit in one years time, Guava, Lemon, Pomegranate take three and Custard Apple about five years to start fruiting.
Starting with Papaya and Bananas in the first year. by the third year, every fruit tree that you help plant will start yielding an average of 100 kg of fruit per year. And as we all know, farmers get about 20% of the price you and I pay when we buy it for our consumption. Even at a meager five rupees per kilo, each fruit tree you help plant will help the small farmer generate 500 ₹s per year, year on year, for the foreseeable future.