Seon Ashram Vedio in English:
(Which was taken in the year 2011)
A common man just passing by a railway station to his destination sees a fight, a fight between a human and animals. It was for food.! Cruel hunger had made a mentally ill man to battle with the street dogs over a disposed food in garbage bin. The common man who was observing this was Mr. U C Paulose. It hit him hard. There came a thought in his mind what if this happened to me? What if this happens to my wife or children? Because, we all know that anyone can be sick. This was the thought that didn’t allow MR. U C Paulose to rest. Immediately after reaching home he narrated the same with his wife, Mrs. Mary U P and both came to a decision, that was to look after such destitute people as much as they can at their own home along with their children. Thus, came to existence “Seon Ashram” which is help for the helpless and Home for the homeless.
Seon Ashram Vedios in Malayalam and English:
Founder Mr U C Paulose and Mrs U P Mary

Starting stage of Ashram:

Mentally ill persons from the street to Ashram:
From one to two and two to three the number grew day by day. People who are mentally ill, rejected by the family and society dejected in their life, children with multiple disabilities, women who were abused and excluded from the society have made Seon Ashram their home till date 1750+ people have been to Seon Ashram.

Many of them have cured and went to their home happily many have breathed their last peacefully. At present there are 380 residents at Seon Ashram. Seon Ashram takes care of the people who are mentally ill, mentally retarded, old age and physically challenged irrespective of their cast and creed. we pick them up from the streets and take care of them. At present situation its very hard to keep up with the medicine, food and residential costs of the patients. Seon Ashram is completely dependent upon the kind heart donors. its impossible to run the ashram without the help of generous donors. with this we plead to help us to give a boost continue this service and join your hands in your mission.
It is situated at Gandibagilu, Belthangady Taluk, in Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka State. Mr. U.C Paulose is the Managing Trustee of the Ashram. It was started in March 22, 1999 since then it has served thousands(1750+) of patients without discrimination of caste, creed, religion or gender. At present the Ashram has strength of 380 residents from across India.
Seon Ashram runs a home for old aged persons who are neglected from their families. Our objective is to provide them with proper care, love and various recreational activities for them until they breathe their last peacefully. At present we are treating 66 old age persons in our old age home, irrespective of caste, creed and language. Few of them are happily leading a peaceful life here. Few of them are suffering from old age health issues and some are suffering from old age and mentally ill health are under treatment.
Seon Ashram takes care of disabled handicapped children who are helpless and dropped here by various govt. departments and NGOs. Most of them are severe and profound level of mentally retarded children. Each child needs individual care taker to help the child in doing his/her daily activities.
Our Thrust:
Seon Ashram is grateful for our donors and well-wishers to continue this journey fruitfully. We wish to focus on our new thrust to provide better service to these unfortunate people. The number of residents increases day by day. But at the same time, we have the obligation to provide them with the basic necessities. From this point of view we are confronted with the following thrust:
- Provide adequate and nutritious food.
- Offer decent accommodation and water facilities.
- Offer sufficient recreational activities and equipment required for socio-psychological nourishment.
- Equip the Ashram with sufficient cots and beds
- Develop vocational trainings and develop our resident’s self-sustenance.
- Provide better education for poor and needy children by setting up best infrastructure in school.
- Construct a boundary around the building to prevent patients absconding from the Ashram
- Develop vocational trainings and develop our resident’s self-sustenance.....