Donate to save a youngster from Kidney failure | Milaap
Donate to save a youngster from Kidney failure
of Rs.10,00,000
90 supporters
  • Jayaram

    Created by

  • S

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Sathish, a young individual, faced kidney failure at the tender age of 20. During his struggle, he underwent dialysis at a Government hospital in Chennai, where unfortunate negligence led to him contracting hepatitis C, along with 17 other patients. The repercussions of this setback were severe, causing him to endure years of recovery. Despite enduring almost a decade of dialysis, Sathish has finally received a kidney match from a cadaver and is currently undergoing transplantation at a private hospital.

The financial burden on Sathish and his family is substantial, considering their humble background. Hailing from a financially challenged family, his mother has been supporting him by managing a roadside fish stall to cover his medical expenses. Now, with the opportunity for a kidney transplant, your generosity can play a crucial role in ensuring Sathish's journey towards a healthier life.

We earnestly appeal to your compassion and kindness, requesting your generous donations to help cover the transplantation bill incurred at the private hospital. Your support can make a significant impact on Sathish's life, giving him the chance to lead a healthy and fulfilling future.

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