Support DigiSwasthya, bridging quality healthcare gap in | Milaap
Support DigiSwasthya, bridging quality healthcare gap in rural India!
  • DigiSwasthya

    Created by

    DigiSwasthya Foundation
  • RA

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Rural And Marginalized Communities in India

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by DigiSwasthya Foundation

DigiSwasthya Foundation (a Section 8 organization registered under the Companies Act 2013) works on making quality healthcare accessible at an affordable cost by connecting doctors from urban India to patients from marginalized communities in rural India. We do that by leveraging technology and setting up Phygital centres in remote villages of India. 

Founded in July 2020, we have provided over 30,204+ teleconsultations in India through our telemedicine Centers in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Maharashtra. We have also onboarded 137+ healthcare professionals across India. Our team conducts healthcare awareness and teleconsultation camps in the villages, impacting 8.5 lakhs beneficiaries in the past three years of operations.

Here is how you can help DigiSwasthya in achieving its mission:
  • Sponsor teleconsultations for 10 patients by donating ₹1,000
  • Sponsor teleconsultations for 50 patients by donating ₹5,000
  • Sponsor teleconsultations for 200 patients by donating ₹20,000
  • You can also adopt a telemedicine centre and sponsor tele-consultations for 1000+ patients by donating ₹1,50,000 every month, 
  • You can also run a centre for a year and sponsor 12000+ patients for ₹18 lakhs. 
Check us out: The Better India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting of India, NBT, DDNewsWebsite, LinkedIn, and Youtube

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