Prince, who is a Transman from North India, met with an unfortunate incident last year. A fundraiser was raised for him last year asking to help him get rid of the loan which was taken for his medical expenses. He is continuing with constant physiotherapy, the expense of medicines, and henceforth not being able to be in a position to sustain himself financially.
He ran away from his home due to constant violence, forceful marriage and stayed in the shelter home of TWEET Foundation. Until this shade of darkness struck when he met with an accident. Due to no savings, no job, he had to take loans from many acquaintances, friends to pay the hospital bills, his medicines even for the food he ate.
Even today, due to the accident he faces difficulty in doing the basic chore-like picking up the glass, having a bath, or walking through the stairs. Let alone standing on his feet, finding a job, and paying back the loan.
He is daily getting threatening calls, cuss words, and a lot of humiliation due to which his mental health along with his physical health is facing a lot of turmoil. He is being forced to bear a lot without any fault of his own.
A fundraiser was raised for him last year with a humble effort of trying to contribute to his hospital expenses where several people came in support of him. We got a lot of messages, calls, and help.
I am Satvik, working as a program manager of TWEET Foundation. I would like to request you again to come forward today, help us help him, and make us believe that we can help him rise on his feet again and that he can live the rest of his life with liberation and harmony.
Prince Request Video Link
Sr No. Prince Medical Expenses Summary Expenses
1. Emergency Leg Surgery 165131
2. CT Scan,Lab Test,ECG,OPD 30000
3. Jaw surgery total 50000
4. Dental Surgery Rectification
We need your help; we need your support. A rupee counts. Please contribute.
Sr No. Prince Medical Expenses Summary Expenses
1. Emergency Leg Surgery 165131
2. CT Scan,Lab Test,ECG,OPD 30000
3. Jaw surgery total 50000
4. Dental Surgery Rectification
- RCT and Cap 6000
5. Physiotherapy Sessions
5. Physiotherapy Sessions
(60 Sessions at 500/session) 30000
6. Orthopedic Consultations 6500
7. Diet,Travel and Medicine 50000
Total Amount 3,37,631
Fund raised through Milaap 61684
6. Orthopedic Consultations 6500
7. Diet,Travel and Medicine 50000
Total Amount 3,37,631
Fund raised through Milaap 61684