Change lives for 5000 kids in the Himalayas | Milaap
Change lives for 5000 kids in the Himalayas
  • MS

    Created by

    Mission SMILE
  • MS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Mission SMILE

    from Himalaya

 Mission SMILE team makes an attempt to change the lives of children in the numerous schools that come along the race route at Hero MTB Himalaya. This is done primarily through  interactions between students and our volunteering team on Education, Water conservation, Sanitation and Health. Every year, we get volunteers from across the globe.

 Volunteers from India, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and Germany helped make 2018 a big success. Last year, Mission SMILE directly impacted 5500 students from 32 schools and built 3 libraries. We also tied up with an e-learning NGO, e-shishya, to connect proficient students from each class to working professionals from all over the world. These professionals acted as mentors, helping the kids grasp basic contemporary ideas (digital literacy, financial literacy, environmental literacy, etc.), which are usually not taken up in school.

This year, we are taking the initiative a step further and introducing rainwater harvesting, along with our ongoing Education program. We envision to build full-fledged water harvesting systems for 5 Himalayan villages. The facilities will help cater to the requirements of currently drying villages & crop fields.

Your donation will go forward in providing Education & efficient Water harvesting systems in the Himalayan villages.

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