Help the Mentally Ill Zoom back to Happiness | Milaap
Help the Mentally Ill Zoom back to Happiness
of Rs.10,00,000
184 supporters
  • Manav

    Created by

    Manav Foundation
  • MI

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Mentally Ill Adults

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by MANAV Foundation

Over 8 crore people suffer from some form of Mental Illness in India. Over 90% are untreated. Manav Foundation is a pioneer in the field of Mental Illness and Mental Illness in India and we need your help to help our "beneficiaries" overcome challenges, additional stress and access to care, created by the pandemic.

It's almost 12pm and it's Shireen's (name changed) 4th call to her counsellor from Manav. She's anxious, worried and very troubled by the uncertainty that still looms large after 7 months of the lockdown... "What's going to happen Devashri"? When will you let me come to the centre?"  "When will I meet you?" "How much longer do I have to stay at home?"
The calls from Shireen are the new normal and her counsellor Devashri calms her down over a video call.

These questions and the lack of answers to them plague not just Shireen but all the clients of the Manav Rehabilitation Centre who have been plunged into a world of isolation and loneliness.

The isolation brought upon all of us by the pandemic, makes the life of a mentally ill person even more difficult than it already is. Retreating into their own worlds due to the lack of any contact with the outside world, many have been struggling with the recurrence of severe symptoms and some are even teetering on the edge of relapse.

The foundation's response to the lockdown is to provide therapies which were once behind closed doors across physical  boundaries. This digital platform facilitates counselling sessions for mentally ill beneficiaries, group sessions for them, and counselling and care for caregivers of the mentally ill. These sessions have replaced some of the day's loneliness with structure, routine and contact with others. The outcome is that relapses have been prevented and the long hours of intense isolation have decreased, making day to day life more livable and manageable.

This requires time, effort and extra money. We are putting in the time and effort but in these exceptionally tough times need help with money to pay for phones, data packs, therapies, teaching tools, and overall beneficiaries welfare.
Donate to help us enable the mentally ill survive the pandemic.

About MANAV Foundation:
Founded in Bombay, India in 2004 and built on core values of Dignity, Inclusion & Equality, MANAV Foundation enables recovery, development and inclusion of individuals living with Mental Illness and emotional disorders.
Our centre provides a multitude of services to adults recovering from Mental Illnesses such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Depression amongst others.

Under its umbrella, The Manav Mental Health Project provides:
· Treatment, support and care to persons affected with a Mental Illness or emotional/mental conditions rendering them unable to function
. After care and vocational support to ensure complete integration within society
· Care and support to the caregivers by involving families and rendering care, psycho-education & therapy

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