#RunToFly - Give Girls Wings to Fly High | Milaap
#RunToFly - Give Girls Wings to Fly High
  • SU

    Created by

    SwaTaleem USA Corporation
  • mr

    This fundraiser will benefit

    marginalised rural adolescent girls

    from Nuh, Haryana

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by SwaTaleem Foundation

“When you join us, you give wings to our girls to fly high”

SwaTaleem works with historically underrepresented girls in India: first-generation learners, caste and religious minorities, and low socio-economic backgrounds, with outcomes like high school dropouts and early, forced marriages. These girls attend special schools called Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) established by the government in every educationally backward block of the country. SwaTaleem integrates in-person and low-technology components to enhance academic and life skills in girls (by focusing specifically on English and socio-emotional skills) and create an aware and engaged ecosystem of decision makers like the school teachers, parents, and government officials that support their education.

Scaling through the KGBV network, SwaTaleem is expanding across the entire state of Haryana impacting 30,000 family members and with 5,000 girls going through multiple-year interventions at any time point across 31 KGBVs. Incorporated in both India and the US, SwaTaleem was one of the 3 organizations to be supported by Google through their impact challenge on women and girls in 2021.

“If it takes a village to raise a child, let’s build one for our girls!”
In 2022, we want to do exactly that, with YOUR help! 

What is SwaTaleem doing?
We are launching the 2022 Crowdfunding Campaign with a difference, us and the girls running. SwaTaleem is proud to partner with La-Ultra which is one of the world’s hardest marathons in the highest altitudes of Ladakh, together with Dr. Rajat Chauhan who heads it. We plan to raise money through running or exercising in any form and introduce it to our KGBV girls.

For this, the La Ultra team would conduct a 4-month program for our girls in the KGBVs with the idea of  “Girls taking up running as a skill”.

How can YOU help?
From October – December 2022, you can help and participate in a LOT of ways! Anyone from ANYWHERE can participate in a run/walk and contribute to our cause. The beneficiaries of this campaign are adolescent girls in KGBVs.
  1. You can pledge to donate a particular amount for every distance you run/walk/skip/swim (or take up any form of exercise). You complete your pledge, by donating that amount to a cause that can make a difference in` the lives of others.
For example: Bhavya plans to donate $100 for every mile she runs till between October 2-8th. If she covers, 10miles, she will complete her pledge by donating $1000 to SwaTaleem.
In this way, we both win.

  1. You can take a pledge and find an individual matching donor for your contribution.
For example: Bhavya plans to cover 10 miles and to support her, her friend will match every mile with $100. If she covers 10 miles, her friend will complete the pledge by donating $1000 to SwaTaleem.
  1. Why should we have all the fun? Our girls in KGBVs will also be running and you can take a pledge to match their distance. Together they will cover a distance of 750Kms!
Funds Utilization
This campaign is to scale up our work to other KGBVs in Haryana and support all girls fulfil their potential. All funds will be utilized to expand our work to the entire state of Haryana, in-person and digitally covering 4500 Girls in 31 KGBVs including their families. This will include English and life skill activities for girls, workshops for teachers, digital connections across all schools, extracurricular activities for girls (including running workshops), and government and parent engagement programs.
Donate for this cause and get tax exemption under 501(c)(3)

How much should I give?
GOOD NEWS! We have raised 85% of the funds to scale up. From you, we want help to raise the remaining 15%.
By contributing USD 8, you will help us serve 1 girl for 1 year.
By contributing USD 20, you will help us train 1 teacher for 1 month
By contributing USD 120, you will help us train 1 teacher for 6 months
By contributing USD 100, you will support the cost of 1 school for 1 month
By contributing USD 320, you will support the cost of 1 cluster (group of 5 schools) for 1 month
By contributing USD 4, you will help us support the engagement of 1 family for 6 months

Social Media Handles

SwaTaleem USA Corporation
407 W Green St APT 6
IL 61801-7856, USA


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