Rapid action to support communities mitigate COVID-19 | Milaap
Rapid action to support communities mitigate COVID-19
  • VK

    Created by

    Vivek Kumar
  • K

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Udaipur, Rajasthan

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Kshamtalaya Foundation

A Note: Sincere gratitude to all the supporters who stood by us and helped us mitigate the impact of COVID-19 last year. With all of your support we were able to facilitate dry ration, safety kits and awareness for more than 6000+ families reaching collectively more than 25000 people. 

We all are aware of the sudden emergence of second wave of COVID -19 across India. This wave is unpredictable and has brought a very different set of challenges. This wave also has reached rural and tribal parts of India making is much more dangerous than the first wave. The positivity rate and death rate both have gone up. 
Absence of Health Infrastructure, lack of information, MNREGA being
stalled due to lockdown adds to the complexity of challenges already being faced in areas which are historically marginalized. The situation is quite dynamic in the two blocks with lot of people being tested positive and huge number of people showing symptoms. Now due to lot of misinformation around COVID and vaccination, lot of families are not comfortable going to the local PHC. They prefer going to their local unqualified doctors. It’s been observed lot of these doctors are prescribing steroids which is only making situation worse. We anticipate rising number of COVID cases in coming times with no support ecosystem will lot lives at risk.

We did a rapid survey with 266 families to identify the emergent needs of the community.  The findings indicate towards the following action plan
  • Ration Support to identified families
  • Identifying people with symptoms and monitor their health through household surveys
  • Symptomatic and Supportive relief to the identified families
We realise the magnitude of this problem requires making a collective effort. We are in the process of setting up a collective to reach out to people in 8 tribal blocks of Udaipur with a following action plan
  • Each organization will identify from 15 to 30 volunteers
  • Each volunteer will work in partnership with the local PHC, Asha worker and ANM’s
  • Each Volunteer will support 50 families. Their role would be to do household survey, identify the people with symptoms, provide them with continuous necessary support.
  • The focus will be to ensure people get all the necessary support to ensure they don’t have the need to go outside.
  • This will contain the spread and allow people to recover
  • Patients with higher symptoms will be taken to the nearby doctor
Aart from this we would be working with district administration provide them with medical equipment support like oximeter and oxygen concentrators.

In total we are looking for following support in this phase of support.

600 Oximeters
100 IR Thermometers
05 Oxygen concentrators.

Out of this 100 will be deployed by our own team to do house hold surveys and identify people with symptoms and provide them adequate support for them to stay at home. Individuals with severe symptoms would be taken to hospitals. Rest would be shared with the district administration. They will be deploying this through volunteers and in PHC, CHC across the district.

Each BPL oximeters cost around 1000-2000 depending on the brand
Each IR Thermometer costs around 1500-2000
Each concentrators cost around 45K-60K


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