Tribal Students Higher Education Scholarship Program | Milaap
Tribal Students Higher Education Scholarship Program
  • Kannan

    Created by

  • TS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Tribal Students

    from Palani, Tamil Nadu

*** please watch the video*** Village Bells Educational scholarship is initiated to sustain higher education for poor and hard working tribal kids. We believe by educating some of these kids will help uplift the entire tribal community out of poverty and provide them sustainable and better standards of living.

Village bells team (led by Gowtham Kannan) is glad to announce that  Educational scholarship is going to be provided for the tribal students, and the students who are coming from the  economically weaker background to continue their higher studies and their graduation.

Though we have already provided the grocery items, clothes, and the house which is constructed for them. Education is the only tool which cannot be destroyed by anyone. So let us support them by fulfilling their educational needs.

As you may already know, life of TRIBAL PEOPLE is really hard. They are surviving in extremely dangerous location where the animals like tiger, cheetah roaming near their living places. They are working as slaves for full day and earning maximum Rs. 200 (<$3) per day. They don't have adequate drinking water, electricity, and living in a small huts.

The children of these tribal people struggling  a lot to continue their graduation after finishing their 12th grade high school education 4 to 5 yrs back but unfortunately quit their higher studies due to lack of financial needs.

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