Support Shelter Home For Male Victims of Domestic Violence | Milaap
Support Shelter Home For Male Victims of Domestic Violence
  • K D

    Created by

    K D Jha
  • KD

    This fundraiser will benefit

    K D Jha

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Every year thousands of MEN end their life because of domestic abuse against them .But , there is not a single shelter home to offer them help when they need it .There is not a single counselling and Support Centre for them . A Man facing domestic violence feels the stigma and shame to even talk about it forget about trying to get any help in those  difficult situations. Law in our country is Gender Biased against Men in such cases and society turns a blind eye towards such sufferings of a Man. Domestic Violence against men is among the most under reported crimes worldwide. Due to social stigmas regarding male victimization, men who are victims of domestic violence face an increased likelihood of being overlooked by healthcare providers.In abusive relationships, there may be a cycle of abuse during which tensions rise and an act of violence is committed, followed by a period of reconciliation and calm. The victims may be trapped in domestically violent situations through isolation, power, and control, traumatic bonding to the abuser,cultural acceptance, lack of financial resources, fear, shame, or to protect children.
As a result of abuse, victims may experience physical disabilities, dysregulated aggression, chronic health problems, mental illness, limited finances, and a poor ability to create healthy relationships.Victims may experience severe psychological disorders, such as post traumatic stress disorder. Children who live in a household with violence often show psychological problems from an early age, such as avoidance, hyper vigilance to threats, and dysregulated aggression which may contribute to vicarious traumatization.

For the first time in country we started a  Shelter Home for Men facing Domestic Abuse at New Delhi , Near Moti Nagar Metro Gate Num 2. Help is now just a call away .One may reach us on 9990588768 if he is  a man and facing domestic violence against him or his parents . Reach us anytime if you need emergency stay , counselling and support or legal help . मर्द को भी दर्द होता है ।

Please come forward to support our cause. Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this campaign link with your friends and family. To know more about us you may visit our Facebook page on

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