Help Bharatbhai's Family after his death due to covid | Milaap
Help Bharatbhai's Family after his death due to covid
  • Yagnik

    Created by

  • J

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Rajkot, Gujarat

I am Yagnik from Rajkot Gujarat, I am here on this great platform to raise funds for my family, due to the unfortunate loss of my idol and my guide-my father, Bharatbhai at a small age of 49 years on 18th April 2021.  

He was a small businessman located in Rajkot, Gujarat, Around five years ago we never expected to see these days coming, The business was running fine and we were living a happy life but suddenly due to poor rain seasons and few repeated betrayals from his partners we ended up in huge debt of 75-80 lakh and to settle it, my father had to sell our house and the whole business. But even that was not sufficient and so my father had to sell my mother's jewelry and the money which we had saved for my education.

Still, he didn't lose hope and started a business again on a smaller scale. But due to insufficient finances, we always needed partners to fund our business, so a few relatives took advantage of this situation and betrayed us again. But this time also he didn't lose hope and told me that he wanted each and every penny of his debt to be paid back from whoever he had taken it. He could run out of state, and maybe we might be able to live a peaceful life there, but he never wanted to teach me that.

His kindness and his nature of helping everyone had no bounds. He will always remain to be my idol, for his attitude of never giving up, no matter what terrible things life throws at you. He always taught me to keep walking forward.

Unfortunately, he left me and my mother. After all these years of hard work and sacrifices, he had returned every penny to whom it belonged. But in that process, he was completely drained financially, so he wasn't able to leave much for us nor taken life insurance for him.

I am currently a student at Ahmedabad University on an education loan and my mom isn't educated enough to do good work and finance house rent, and daily household as well as my education. We don't have any house or form of property to keep running our life. I and my mother require your support in these tough times to pass a few years until I complete my studies and start earning.

We request each one of you to help us in your own capacity and share with your friends and family. Your small donation might help us a lot in our tough times, so please donate.

We can't give anything back right now but I promise every donor that every penny I will be able to raise through this fundraiser to finance my education and keep our lives moving, I will give it back to someone who needs it, when I will start earning and supporting my family.

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