Hello! We're Happy Feet Home!
It has been 8 years..8 years of love and laughter,
of care and share,
of hope and joy,
of tears and fears,
of celebrating victories, big and small,
of tireless efforts and sleepless nights,
of triumph and turbulence,
and 8 years of sheer faith.
The faith that our children and families bestowed upon us, faith that we had in their potential and faith that all of you put in us to help us get this far.

The little children who saw a school for the first time at the age of 8 and 10 to the older ones aceing in the fields they chose, children set out to conquer the world to children conquering hearts.
We have definitely come a long way and only after we reached this far, we also came to realize what it means to go on, how much the space we provide matters and what impact we are creating.

Here are the programs we run:

Addressing suffering involves taking care of issues beyond physical symptoms. Palliative care uses a team approach to support patients and their caregivers. This includes addressing practical needs and providing bereavement counselling. It offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death.
Read more: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/palliative-care
You’ve partnered with us in the past to ensure our children are safe and have the childhood they deserve. Every contribution makes a difference in our home and in the world, we live in. Today I ask you again desperately to join us as we work toward raising money to help us transition through these difficult times.